Serverless Hosting

What is Serverless Hosting?

Serverless hosting allows to use servers based on usage not a fixed amount of bandwidth or number of servers. When someone uses your app pr website, the serverless hosting provider handles everything: from providing the servers to running your code. You only pay for the time your code is running.

Why use Serverless Hosting?

  1. Cost - you only pay for the time your code is running.
  2. No maintenance - you don't have to worry about provisioning and managing servers.
  3. Easy scaling - the serverless vendors handle all the scaling on demand.
  4. Quick setup - logging, monitoring and security is often provided by serverless platforms.
  5. Flexibility - Serverless platforms let your application to dynamically adjust to changes in workload.

Serverless Provider 1

Amazon Web Services Lambda

Serverless Provider 2

Google Cloud Function


Overall, serverless hosting offers benefits such as scalability, cost-effectiveness, easier maintenance making it an attractive option for building modern, event-driven applications in the cloud.