NWTC Digital Arts Showcase

Target audience

Digital Arts Student Showcase highlights the work of Digital Arts students that's why website's target audience would be students, instructors, possible employers and those interested in art and looking for inspiration. The design of the website emphasizes creativity and expression.


The message of Digital Arts Student Showcase website is to encourage people to express themselves, try new things and not to be scared to stand out. The multi colors layout, creative fonts and animations support this idea.


The goal of Digital Arts Student Showcase website is to attract as much target audience as possible. The website's design suggests easy navigation menu, accessible links to program pages and a photo gallery where you can zoom every image. Every page of the website contains links to navigate the website pretty easily.


The Digital Arts Student Showcase website's home page CTAs would be to make visitors to study each program's page, to view gallery, to visit archive page to view previous works and to leave comments on a contact page. The Website's design contains all the possible links to make browsing as easy as possible.

Design Summary

I picked the whole page layout where the colors are not limited by wrappers and boxes. The header has the colorful image with the name of the website in black and white fonts. The navigation menu is fixed to the top of the screen but it slides up once you start scrolling down, once you scroll back up it slides back in. The navigation contains name of the website that works as a link and four navigation links Home, Programs, Contact, Archive. Next thing on the page is main area with links to each program's page and at last there is a photo gallery where you can open and zoom every photo. The colors of the site are bright and very well combined to my mind. The color pallette highlightes the uniqueness of event. The fonts of the website are simple and easy to read. Im happy with how the design worked out and consider this website to be my best project so far.