Web Development Resources

Created Using Generative AI

  1. Stefan Judis
    Blog: Stefan Judis’ Blog
    Twitter: @stefanjudis
    Stefan covers topics like Next.js, CSS, and web development in general. His monthly newsletter also provides productivity tips for developers and features the handy resource tiny-helpers.dev1.
  2. That’s an Egg
    Blog: That’s an Egg
    Twitter: @twanmulder
    Twan Mulder, a developer and CRO specialist at Accenture, shares beginner-oriented web development and JavaScript content. His blog delves into topics like accessibility, CSS, and animation1.
  3. Localghost
    Blog: Localghost
    Twitter: @sophiebits
    Sophie Alpert, a senior web engineer at Monzo, writes about web development and accessibility. Her recent posts cover misconceptions about web accessibility, cross-site scripting attacks, and deploying with CircleCI1.
  4. Amelia Wattenberger
    Blog: Amelia Wattenberger’s Blog
    Twitter: @wattenberger
    Amelia creates interactive guides and walkthroughs on web development and data visualization concepts. Her visualizations using React.js and d3.js help readers better understand CSS and JavaScript concepts1.

My review

I picked to review Localghost article for review:

Why I'm Ready to Party Like It's 1999...Again

In Sophie's article she discusses how she started noticing 90s tendencies in the modern Internet era. Blogs, RSS and email newsletters are returning. Earlier web development designs are also having a comeback(pixel art, animated GIFs, 3D text with gradients, textured backgrounds etc). She also notices how the old tendencies are adjusting to new technology, are "recontextualized for a modern audience" adapting responsiveness, accessibility and readability.

I also started noticing 90s vibes in many things. We all know the history repeats in circles. The information given in the article could be used in designing the projects. Some of the 90s designs could be used in modern Internet environment making UI more attracting and UX more flawless.


Prompt:Find me four different bloggers that write about CSS and web development. Include links to their blog or website and social media platforms.Microsoft Edge Copilot,Microsoft,Mar 28, 2024