Website review


The website I'm going to review is official city of Green bay website Once on the website if you click sign in and then create profile there is a webpage with 6 input types on it: text, email, checkbox, password, textarea and submit. Create Profile Page. The purpose of the website is to show Green Bay history, organization, officials and other important information.


The home page of the website is not validate. It showed 53 different mistakes and warnings such as unnecessary attribute, unallowed element as a child of element and bad value for attribute. The Create Profile page is not validate as well. It contains 89 errors and warnings. Among them are: the attribute must point to an element in the same document, unallowed element as a child of element, unnecessary attribute for JavaScript resources, stray tag, bad value for attribute, unnecessary element.


The websites homepage design is official combining black, white and blue colors. The home page contains large picture of the city, logo, search bar, news and calendar events. The Create Profile page repeats the homepage design. The form element has grey background and blue font color. The form has some required fields and Privacy Policy under it. I would rate design as 9 out 10.


The city websites are usually overfilled with all kinds of information and online services. I can see how this may be hard for web developers to organize and make the site usable. To my mind the website's homepage is full of different navigation areas. I dont think it is super easy to use. The Create Profile form is simple and easy to understand. Overall, I would rate the websites usability as 7 out of 10.

My opinion

The website meets its purpose. It provides visitors with all the necessary information about Green bay and allows to use online services such as job openings, online payments and requests. Overall, the websites design is very good, and using the site can be complicating. The Create Profile input form seems to be easy and accessible.