Website usability testing

What is usability testing?

Website usability testing is a technique to figure out whether a website is easy to use or not. User testing is a process to find out the demand for a certin website. The two websites describing usability testing are: Usability Geek and Hotjar. The simplest way to have your website checked is to let someone use it while observing and talking to them. Besides, there are lots of other ways to do so:

  1. To have any person non related to IT jobs to use the website
  2. To have people from different countries and timw zones to use the website
  3. To ask an expert in the field to check the website
  4. Paper prototype testing is when you make the web page sketch drawings out of paper and test it
  5. Questionnaries and interviews about the website
  6. To test your own website like you didnt create it trying to accomplish tasks
  7. To use usability evaluation websites

What is cross browser testing?

Cross browser testing is the term used to describe testing of your websites on different browsers in order to enhance their usability. The websites used for information are: Themeisle and Software Testing Help. There are two ways to cross browser testing:

  1. Manual is when you test your product on different browsers yourself
  2. Automated is when you use special browser testing tools like CrossBrowserTesting, Comparium, Browserling etc