Progressive Enhancement


Progressive Enhancement is a term used for web development. PE provides more accesibility when it comes to loading a web page. According to it the first thing to show up on the screen is content from html file, then css style applies and afterwards other enhancements like Java. This help people with slower Internet to get the content faster while high Internet users access enhanced version right away.
The web page I will review is MDN Web Docs


The home page of the website is not validate. W3C validator shows 13 errors and warnings such as duplicate IDs and unnecessary elements. Another page References showed 1 error and 2 warnings with the same type of inaccuracies.


The MDN Web Docs has minimalistic design combining black and white colors. White text on black background or black text on white backgroung are easy to read as the website includes lots of reading documents. The home page has simple animated image that repeats in the end of the page. The font-family look like Arial and has standard size. The webpage has light modes: light, dark and default. It seems like the MDN Wen Docs has lots of features for convenient reading. I like the website's design and would rate is as 9 out of 10.


The website is easy to use. The MDN reminds me of the web development dictionary describing HTML, CSS and JAVA. The home page has search bar and simple navigation. The purpose of the website is the first thing you see when visitng the home page. The MDN Web Docs has Plus version for easier access to content and other priveledges. The home page also includes featured articles, latest news and recent contributions. I don't think the website is cooler than W3Schools but is still worth visiting. I would rate its usability as 8 out of 10.

My opinion:

The MDN Web Docs provides resources for web developers. The website meets its purpose. In my opinion I would prefer visiting W3Schools than MDN but W3Schools doesn't have necessary information about Progressive Enhancement. To my mind, Progressive Enhancement concept has its meaning when it comes to loading web pages. It provides more accesibility and that's the main point in web development. Observing HTML content can be boring but is still better than staring at loading screen.

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash