Website Review


The website I have chosen for review is Designmodo. The main purpose of it is to provide products and services for web development. The website’s URL is This site is my favorite because I found it appealing from the first glance. Other two suggested websites named Hongkiat and CSS Zen Garden had more simple design and didnt attract my attention. Hongkiat looked like a boring blue color educational site with lots of text and CSS Zen Garden seemed old-fashioned. This is how I understand the meaning of a website design. The amount of visitors is fully depend on what your home page look like, its design and color and then the content.


The Designmodo website's home is not validate according to W3C Validator. It contains 109 total warnings and errors. Some other website page also has 59 warnings and errors. To my mind, the websites created by professional web developers may have inaccuracies because it may be either impossible to create absolutely validate web page or they do not correct them. If coding errors and warnings do not change the whole site structure and its functionality then web developers leave it as it is. This is very intriguing question and I feel like researching more about it.


It is very interesting to rate website's design created for website design. As I mentioned above the Designmodo attracted my attention the most from my first view and I can explain why. It is modern looking. The logo name's letter "g" looks non standard. The website's name is appealing as well and easy to remember. What do I see next? The large text explaining main website's purpose which is very attracting. Next to it there is a graphic image with some animation if you look closer. In my association the image depicts two people surfing the net. The websites colors are simple, background is white with black and green text. Sometimes the simpler the better. The navigation element is easy and accesible. If you scroll down the home page you'll see all what website is about. Thus I rate Designmodo design as 10 out of 10.


As all the modern-looking websites Designmodo is easy to use. The navigation has three main items that don't scare you right away. The website offers quick and easy registration just to enter your email and get started. The Designmodo's products and services has either free trials or can be downloaded without charge. Besides, there are different articles about web design as well. One can find many helpful information about website coding and design. As educational website I would rate it as 10 out of 10.

My opinion

First of all, I will mention that Designmodo meets its purpose. It was created as a website creating tool and educational source. The more sites I review the more I notice how much design mean. And the easier it is to use website the more visitors it will attract. Considering this current web page I created for this review I would close the tab right away. It would only caught my eye 15 years ago when the first websites came out and many of them looked similar to this. It lacks graphics, style and looks old-fashioned.