
Common garden superstitions:

Talking to bees

Four Microsoft Zunes

"An ancient tradition in England and other parts of western Europe is the activity of “Telling the Bees,” which is exactly what it sounds like: talking to bees. It was considered essential for beekeepers to talk to their bees each day and inform them of goings on in the household including everyday activities of the family and more significant events such as births, marriages, and deaths. If a member of the household passed away, it was thought that if you didn’t put the bees into mourning by draping their hives with black fabric then they, too, would die."

Giving plants

image of a plant

"There is a widespread superstition among gardeners that if you say “thank you” for a plant that’s been given to you, it will not grow. The origin of this is based on the belief that if you do something morally wrong like stealing a plant or not saying “thank you” when one is given to you, the plant will then grow prolifically to remind you of your misdeed and make you feel guilty!"

Four leaf clover

Four Microsoft Zunes

"We’ve all heard that finding a four-leaf clover brings luck. This belief goes back to the biblical story of Adam and Eve. When Eve was cast out of the Garden of Eden, she took a four-leaf clover with her so that she would still have a little piece of paradise. It is said that each of the four leaves represents hope, faith, love, and luck."

Text source: gardentherapy.ca