03 Local PHP


03 Local PHP Home

PHP server is a set of tools for running PHP locally. There are four essential tools needed such as operating system, web server, database and PHP.


XAMPP is the most popular PHP server. It stands for X-cross-platform, A-Apache server, M-MariaDB, P-PHP, P-Pearl. It was the first local PHP and it doesnt need any technical help to install. Before this tool people installed each part separately but XAMPP had all the tools in one. It is also free to download.


LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. LAMP is popular among those who prefer to work on Linux. One of the advantages of LAMP is flexibility for different database, web server and scripting languages. It is also free to download. There is also similar PHP server called LEMP and the only difference is that LEMP uses Nginx web server while all other tools are similar.


MAMP is especially used on MAC OS. It stands for Mac OS, Apache, MySQL and PHP and these are all the tools needed to run local PHP server on Mac OS. WAMP is the same pack but used on Windows.

Summary of the documentation

In conclusion, the best PHP servers according to Serverguy are XAMPP, the second is LAMP and then LEMP.

    The advantages to run PHP locally are:
  1. Cost. Most PHP servers are open source.
  2. Efficiency. All the PHP local servers have already been tried and tested so one doesnt need to set up a new web development stack.
  3. Maintenance. Many software experts from around the world contribute to the development of various PHP servers by changing, commenting and reviewing them.
  4. Support. Same as the previous one PHP servers have a support of a large global IT community.
  5. Flexibility. For example, the possibility to use different operating system.
    The disadvantages of using PHP locally:
  1. Security. There are not enough security tools set on local PHPs that can lead to hacking.
  2. Installation process can still be very tricky and hard especially for the beginners.