5R JavaScript Frameworks


One of the most popular Javascript frameworks in 2022 according to ninetailed.io is a framework called React. It is a Javascript library for building user interfaces, but also can be used for mobile applications development. It is created by Facebook and other developers. React is known for its high-performance because it uses a virtual DOM that reduces the time to update the content. Besides, React offers support for server-side rendering that helps to improve web applications. Key features of React are: virtual DOM, cross-platform and react FLUX. The link to the website React.


The next most popular Javascript framework in 2022 is Vue. It is also called a progressive JavaScript framework and it is used for building user interfaces and single page applicactions. The advantages of Vue are: light weight(its only 18k if downloaded in ZIP), very easy to learn and use as its using HTML and JS, reactivity due to composition API. One of the disadvantages is that it was developed in China and most plugins are in Chinese and thats why hard to use. The website is Vue.


The next most popular framework is Ember.js. It is created to make web development process easier by providing a router, view layer and data management library. Ember's routing system is closely connected to browser's URL. The router matches current URL to other routers that used to load data and templates. However, Ember has a low popularity and can ba hard to use. The website Ember.


These are three most popular Javascript frameworks according to ninetailed.io. Javascript frameworks make web development easier and more interactive. Out of three frameworks described above I would myself choose React because of its popularity. But the framework choice should also be selected according to your project needs and factors like difficulty, learning curve, documentation for compatibility, community assistance should also be taken into consideration.